Carakerja or Cara Kerja ???
Previously, definition for ‘occupation’ is not available in Bahasa Melayu. The direct translation for ‘occupation’ is ‘pekerjaan’ and it is not accurately reflecting the meaning of “the way in which you spend your time, especially when you are not working” (Oxford Dictionary) or “a regular activity or hobby” (Cambridge Dictionary).
The word ‘occupation’ as understood in occupational therapy knowledge is now officially registered and received formal definition by the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Ref No: DBP/218/600-1/2/1/4(21)). In Bahasa Melayu, the direct translation for ‘occupation’ is now ‘CARA KERJA’ which is spelled in two words. ‘CARA KERJA‘ brings a meaning of “sebarang jenis pekerjaan atau aktiviti dalam kehidupan seharian seperti bekerja, belajar, bermain, berehat, tidur dan lain-lain”.
Now the public will understand more about ‘cara kerja’.
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